Celebrating the International Day of the Earth The importance of taking care of our environment and our planet By: Lic. Amparo Gpe. González | April 22, 2016
As every year, our company celebrated the International Day of the Earth. This time, our associates received small trees to be cultivated as a way to raise consciousness about the importance of taking care of our planet.
During his speech, the president of Gobar Systems, Inc. Raul Gonzalez mentioned this was a small contribution of our company to promote a reforestation culture between our families.
We seek to leave a better future to our children through a clean and healthy environment. We invite you to celebrate our planet with actions.
Gobar Systems Inc. - Sendero Nacional Km. 3, Entrada a la Fac. de Medicina
H. Matamoros, Tamaulipas.
C.P. 87316
MX (868) 150 1000 | US (956) 377-4836 | information@gobarsystems.com